Authorities believe gunmen targeted the crime journalist due to his role as advisor to a key witness in the trial of the ...
德国知名的政治人物莎拉·瓦根克内希特今年1月新成立的党派“莎拉·瓦根克内希特联盟”(BSW)在刚刚结束的欧洲议会大选中表现惊人。得票率不但高出她曾经效力过的左翼党,也胜过执政党之一的自民党。BSW在一些主张上与极右翼的选项党重叠。瓦根克内希特本人在公 ...
Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire that broke out in Kuwait's southern Mangaf district, killing 35 people.
Ο γερμανικός Τύπος αναφέρεται στην τουρκική στήριξη για την επιστροφή των Γλυπτών του Παρθενώνα, την άνοδο της AfD ανάμεσα ...
Die palästinensische Terrororganisation lässt ihre Haltung zu den Vorstellungen des US-Präsidenten aber weiter offen. In ...
Ganhos no Parlamento da UE, novas eleições na França, crescimento da AfD no Leste alemão: ultradireita triunfa na Europa.
Gestärkt und gut gelaunt durch das gute Wahlergebnis bei den Europawahlen am vergangenen Sonntag geht die rechtspopulistische ...
Russian missile attacks are a near-daily occurence in Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv. As many of the city's buildings ...
The European Union says it will hike tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles from next month unless it can be reassured of an ...
Jin wrapped up mandatory 18 months of military service on Wednesday. Bandmates J-hope, V, RM, Jungkook and Jimin celebrated ...