Russian missile attacks are a near-daily occurence in Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv. As many of the city's buildings ...
Hong Kong authorities have used powers granted to them under a newly enacted security law to revoke the passports of six ...
Tobacco, ultra-processed foods, alcohol and fossil fuels are responsible for causing millions of deaths in Europe every year, ...
Explosions were heard in capital city Kyiv, as air raid sirens warning of an attack sounded throughout Ukraine early ...
Egyptian and Qatari mediators said they are examining a response from the Hamas militant group, and will work "until ...
China has been accused of dumping cheap electric cars on EU countries. But poor sales, price wars and tariff threats have ...
Saudi officials warn of sweltering heat for this year's Islamic pilgrimage. Observers highlight that mitigating measures are ...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz says Germany won't relent in its efforts to help Ukraine defending itself against Russia's war of ...
The ANC has proposed forming a national unity government after failing to win a majority in the May election. What does that ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the German parliament, as Berlin hosted a conference to try to secure ...
An exciting month of football awaits fans at Euro 2024. But the tournament also poses a massive security challenge for ...
Ukraine's president addressed the German parliament after attending a conference to gather support for rebuilding his country ...