Unlike CRISPR 1.0, which hacks through DNA, CRISPR 2.0 is capable of surgical incisions, making it suitable for a broader ...
Combining multiomics data provides more information to identify biological drivers, opening up opportunities to address more ...
Industry experts discuss the prospects for microbiome therapeutics beyond those relying on donor materials to treat recurrent ...
Matterworks is taking powerful AI techniques developed for language and image processing and applying them to LC-MS data.
More biotherapeutics can be squeezed out of cells with nondestructive monitoring, in silico modeling, and optimized fluid ...
Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and specific labeling reveals the nanoscopic organization of viral replication ...
Study shows that a common class of antifungals works by causing fungal pathogens to launch self-destructive cellular pathways ...
Asimov's holistic application of genetic, cellular, and bioprocess models has enabled them to boost antibody titers more than ...
The Serva Electrophoresis Bluestain Automated Gel Stainer was launched by Biophoretics and Serva Electrophoresis with the ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is big business in the pharmaceutical industry. According to Deep Pharma Intelligence, ...
OGT’s RNA-based SureSeq Myeloid Fusion Panel is a new-generation sequencing tool for identifying fusion genes implicated in ...
Ori Biotech believes that the IRO platform could shave years off therapy development timelines, bringing products to patients ...